About Us

Julia, Team Coordination

Laurens, Team Partnerships

According to WWF, over 800 million people depend on the production, capture, processing and sale of fish and seafood for their livelihoods. Unfortunately, life in our oceans continues to decline and biodiversity is at an all-time low, not to mention the impact on our climate. We still have the chance to make a change. Let’s take it!

Nasti, Team Content Creation

Isa, Team Content Creation

Michael, Team Partnerships

Lisa, Team Content Creation

Alex, Team Knowledge

Oceans play a crucial role in regulating the Earth’s climate and weather patterns. They absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and help to reduce the impact of greenhouse gases. Oceans are home to a diverse range of species, many of which are endangered. I am part of Project Ocean because I want to help ensure the survival of these species and I believe that the Rotary family can play a part in preserving the world’s maritime ecosystems.

Bene, Team Content Creation

The world's oceans drive the global climate and play a significant - and long underestimated - role in a livable and healthy Earth. And yet they are exploited, littered and knowingly destroyed. Enough reasons to do your part to protect the oceans and make the world a better place. All in the spirit of Rotaract's values.
The world’s oceans drive the global climate and play a significant – and long underestimated – role in a livable and healthy Earth. And yet they are exploited, littered and knowingly destroyed. Enough reasons to do your part to protect the oceans and make the world a better place. All in the spirit of Rotaract’s values.

Lisa, Team Coordination

Cedric, Team Knowledge

Vincent, Team Partnerships

Despite the huge role that Oceans play in regulating our ecosystem, we do little to preserve this existential part of our World. Quite the opposite is true, as the worlds oceans are heavily polluted and overfished. I am part of Project Ocean, trying to tackle these issues one little step at a time.